
Monday, March 31, 2014

#NorCalChat 3/31

I co-moderated tonight's #NorCalChat on twitter. It was a great time, we talked a lot about the book. I'm going to post the questions we asked, then link to the Storify which has all the interactions from the chat.

Q1: Doug is a bombastic frontman of a never-ending funk machine. How are you a performance artist? #NorCalChat

Q2: The book explains that discipline is about teaching, not punishment. How do you use discipline to change behavior? #NorCalChat

Q3: HtWT frequently mentions the value of engaging lessons. What tricks do you have up your sleeve to create engaging lessons? #NorCalChat

Q4: Doug frequently mentions the need for empathy. How do you show  empathy in your classroom? #NorCalChat

Q5: HtWT mentions the importance of leadership. How do you exercise leadership in your school as a T, P, or both? #NorCalChat

Q6: The book mentions the importance of professional dress. How important is this to you? #NorCalChat

Q7: Perhaps most importantly, how do you HAVE FUN teaching? #NorCalChat

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