
Saturday, July 26, 2014

CUE Rockstar Vegas Wrap-Up

July 21-23 found me in Las Vegas presenting at a CUE Rockstar teaching convention. It is an unique and incredibly fun conference experience. Most teaching conferences are massive events with multiple sit-and-listen sessions every day. CUE's is built to be two two hour sessions per day, with a two hour lunch in the middle. Each session should be about thirty minutes of talking by the presenter, and then ninety minutes of everyone in the session working and exploring and learning together.The conference attendance is capped at 100, with nine presenters. Which means every session is small. For example, my sessions over the three days ranged from two to sixteen people.

Each day starts with a Shred session. Every presenter has one slide and one minute to sell their session to the teachers in attendance. It's supposed to be fun, engaging, and informative. So I did a poem, a puppet show, and a kung-fu movie.

Below are links to the three websites I created for my sessions, and inside of those websites are links to the presentations themselves. And then a bunch of pictures from the three days in Vegas.
Some of the pictures are changed. That's thanks to the goofy people of twitter who decided some of the pictures needed some spicing up.

The other guy is +John Wick, a friend from Twitter I finally got to meet

Photobomb from my Needle session

Google-Fu ninjas

My shred sessions were never boring

Needle Shred

"When you can snatch the answer from the google your training will be complete."

Sold all the books I brought. Here's a happy fan

Fun was had on the twitters

Morning tweet promoting Needle

Some of my wonderful Google Drivers from Day One

Lunch with some other faculty selfie

John and I being tough

The kilt was a big hit

"I've got papers on my table, I've got piles on my piles..."

Borrowed the Gos for my slide

Awesome pic from one of the attendees

Real quotes

Come to my session. You know you want to.

Went to LOVE and then to dinner at Gordon Ramsey's BURGR with faculty Monday night

Courson rocking a Shred

Being clever and handsome

More fans!

Thanks, Joe!

Discussing stuff and things
CUE was an amazing experience and I hope to attend more. If you get the chance, check them out.

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