The media hub of the ever expanding empire of the Weird Teacher whose goal is total educational domination through the power of excellence.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
So Many Updates! OR CUE, A Book, and Dancing
I like to write posts that are specific to one thing but in this case I have three things I want to hit all at once.
FIRST- CUE Blog Editor
CUE is looking for a new editor for their blog and I made the short-list of candidates to take the helm this summer. They have decided to let me and two other people guest edit the blog for a month, then they'll choose based on those posts, how easy we are to work with (I assume), and how handsome we are (I hope).
I have two posts up so far. One by me, Teachers Vs Technology, a look at how the computer savvy amongst us should help the less so, and one by the talented Jessica Lifshitz called What We Want For Ourselves We Should Want For Our Students, which is about student empowerment.
I'm proud of the work I've posted so far and I'd appreciate you reading, commenting, and sharing them. Getting a side job editing an education blog is one of those things that I'd love to be able to do. Someone paying me to write has been a fantasy for forever.
SECOND- THE Teaching Text (You're Welcome)
Speaking of being paid to write, did you know I've got a new book out? I do. It's called THE Teaching Text (You're Welcome) and it's a satirical look at the teaching books we all know and love-hate. It's everywhere books are sold online (amazon, iTunes, Nook, etc) and those links are up to the side on this blog. You can get it in paperback for $5.99 and as an ebook for the bargain price of $0.99. It's not terribly long so I priced it to move and priced it for broke teachers. If you do pick up THE Teaching Text (You're Welcome) I'd appreciate a review on amazon, goodreads, iTunes, or wherever. Those stars help. Tell your friends.
THIRD- Thiller in PE
So many thanks to everyone who helped me over Spring Break find a dance unit for my students to do in PE. I'd been dying to teach dance but had no idea where to begin looking. I threw the question to twitter and got a million responses. I looked at them and went with this tutorial on a version of Thriller posted by Deep Creek Elementary. Ever wanted to watch me do the Thriller dance? Now you can.
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