
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

#WeirdEd Week 63- Weird Reflections on Chats

I really want to do a chat about the Supreme Court decision and about the JAWS 40th Anniversary. Those are both on my To Do list. And they are both topical and timely for this week. But I want to be a part of those conversations. The former is very important to me and the country so I can't miss it. The latter is about my favorite movie and I need to be there to shout at you about JAWS for an hour. Which means they can't go this week because tonight I'll be on an airplane somewhere above the center of the country flying back from ISTE. Yes, ISTE. Have you heard about ISTE? It hasn't been very big on twitter so I understand if you haven't heard anything about ISTE. #ISTE. #ISTETweets #ImHereAndImTiredOfTalkingAboutISTE

Tonight, since the wonderful Shawna and Lauren will be running the chat, they suggested we look back on previous #WeirdEd chats and reflect. I don't think I'm going to write very many questions. Instead I'm going to guide you to the #WeirdEd archive ( , and I'm going to let you look back on chats that you loved, chats that you missed, chats that you feel like weren't as good as they could have been, and chats that you want us to revisit.

Shawna has also written an introduction for tonight's chat-
"So the #WeirdEd chats have been a thing for over a year now, and it keeps getting better and better.  While we have our share of silly topics, we don’t shy away from more controversial issues.  Because it’s about the kids.  And big things affect kids in all kinds of ways.  As educators, we are in the best possible position to positively affect the lives of kids.  And at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about.  Or it should be.

Tonight’s #WeirdEd will let us take a look at all the topics we’ve covered, from the seemingly insignificant (candy, anyone?)  to the undeniably serious.  What’s been your favorite chat?  What topic has stuck with you?  And in case you’ve forgotten, refresh your memory by taking  a look at the archives."

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