- Week 4- Weird Kids
- Week 5- PIXAR
- Week 6- Student-Led Schools
- Week 7- The Beach
- Week 8- School's Out
- Week 9- School Safety
- Week 10- A WeirdEder Led Experiment
- Week 11- Kid Voices
- Week 12- The World Cup
- #WeirdEd Major Announcement! #WeirdEd East
- Week 13- Luck and Skill
- Week 14- Aliens
- Week 15-Sammiches
- Week 16- Flow With It
- Week 17- The Public
- Week 18- Robin Williams
- Week 19- Ferguson
- Week 20- Questioning
- Week 21- Candy
- Week 22- Other Jobs
- Week 23- Misstakes
- Week 24- Banned Books Week
- Week 25- The Muppets
- Week 26- Star Trek TOS
- Week 27- Fear
- Week 28- Monsters
- Week 29- Trick or Treat
- #Edbola - Special One-Off Chat
- Week 30- Bobak Ferdowsi
- Week 31- Narwhal
- Week 32- Spirit Fingers
- #WeirdEdE Storify
- #WeirdEd Storify
- Week 33- Build-A-Con
- Week 34- Anger
- Week 35- The War on Christmas
- Week 36- Tattoos
- Weel 37- Let It Go
- Week 38- What If
- Week 39- Labor and Delivery
- Week 40- The State of the Weird
- Week 41- Snow Yeah!
- Week 42- Make a Thing
- Week 43- Vaccines
- Week 44- Commercials
- Week 45- Magic
- Week 46- Dr Seuss
- Week 47- Big Hero Six
- Week 48- Speed Dating
- Week 49- Phrasing!
- #AussieED- Empathy
- Week 50- Doug Robertson
- even I'm not narcissistic enough to storify this
- Week 51- Bullying (by Shawna Briseno)
- Week 52- Being Yourself Redux
- Week 53- Star Wars
- Week 54- Bruce Jenner
- Week 55- Buzzfeed
- Week 56- The Avengers
- Week 57- Take a Trip
- Week 59- Ends
- Week 60- Summer Nights
- Week 62- Charleston
- Week 63- Weird Chat Reflections
- Week 64- JAWS
- Week 65- Le Tour de France
- Week 66- Be a People
- Week 67- Group Work
- Week 68- Pre-Judgement
- Week 69- This Is Not a Test
- Week 70- Mean Girls
- Week 71- Strong Beginnings
- Week 72- Knitting
- Week 73- Scheduling
- Week 74- Make a Thing pt. 2
- Week 75- Mentoring
- Week 76- Digital Literacy
- Week 77- Scary Movies
- Week 78- Fear pt 2
- Week 79- Ghosts
- Week 80- Trick or Treat
- Week 81- Back to the Future
- Week 82- M*A*S*H
- Week 83- World of Warcraft
- Week 84- High Wire
- Week 85- This Week
- Week 86- Spoilers
- Week 87- Santa Baby
- Week 88- Future Reflections
- Week 89- Education Policy Debates
- Week 90- Under Pressure
- Week 91- The Princess Bride
- Week 92- If You Give a Weirdo an Edchat...
- Week 93- On the Spot
- Week 94- The Seven Deadly Sins
- Week 95- Fictional Presidents Day
- Week 96- Love Complex
- Week 97- Dr Seuss pt Deus
- Week 98- Doctor Who
- Week 99- Harry Potter
- Week 100- This Is Your Chat
- Week 101- In a Classical Style
- Week 102- Make a Thing Pt. 3
- Week 103- Make a Point
- Week 104- Fame
- Week 105- What We Can't Say
- Week 106- Puppets and Programming
- Week 107- Orlando and LGBTQ- Jess's blog/My blog
- Week 108- Jurassic Park
- Week 109- BREXIT
- No Storify- tech issue
- Week 110- HAMILTON
- Week 111- Panel Pandemonium
- Week 112- Ghostbusters and Ruined Childhoods
- Week 113- Poking at PokemonEDU
- Week 114- Seymour Papert
- Week 115- Olympics
- Week 116- Analog is Warmer
- Week 117- Science Technology Engineering Art Marvel: Representation Matters
- Week 118- Make a Thing pt 4
- Week 119- Gene Wilder
- Week 120- Talking Too Much
- Week 121- Do It Different
- Week 122- Take a Knee
- Week 123- The Quiet Ones
- Week 124- Books Books Books
- Week 126- Well THAT Didn't Work
- Week 127- Election 2016 (no blog)
- no storify
- Week 128- Puppies, Kittens, Otters, and Hedgehogs
- Week 129- No Ideas
- Week 130- Hour of Code
- Week 131- Elf on a Shelf
- Week 132- Jim Henson
- Week 133- When I'm Not a Teacher I Become a Better Teacher
- Week 134- Betsy DeVos and Fundraising
- Week 135- Global School Play Day
- Week 136- BEARS!
- Week 137- Big Projects
- Week 138- Stick to Teaching
- Week 139- Help in Public
- Week 140- Calvinball
- Week 141- Special Ed Tour with gues mod Anne Lafferty
- Week 142- Secret Groups and Movies
- Week 143- The Story of a Class
- Week 144- The Story of Tonight by Mari Venturino
- Week 145- Money Money Money Motivation
- Week 146- Hand v Stick: Choice of Justice
- Week 147- Tom Riddle and Anakin Skywalker- A Study in Students
- Week 148- The Worst Thing About Fidget Spinners
- #WeirdEd Storify- Storify was being stupid so I didn't get it.
- Week 149- Boxed Creativity
- Week 150- Generation News by Alex Fishman
- Week 151- Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
- Week 152- Whatever
- Week 153- Hopps v Moana
- Week 154- Summer Chat 1- No blog, Storify only
- Week 155- Fueled by Coffee and Love by Mari Venturino
- Week 156- Trans Rights and Health Care
- Week 157- The World Today modded by Nathan Stevens
- Week 158- Buzzword Bingo with Sarah Joncas
- Week 159- After the Eve
- Week 160- Hooked on a Feeling
- Week 161- The Second Line
- Week 162- Data Is My Leg Day
- Week 163- A Classroom of One
- Week 164- Tom Petty
- Week 165- #MeToo and Education
- Week 166- My Music at Work and the Tragically Hip with Jay Nickerson and Ian Landy
- Week 167- Words We Use (Or Where I Get Pedantic)
- Week 168- EduMadLibs
- Week 169- Iterative Learning by Tara Linney
- Week 170- The Fall Will Probably Kill Ya
- Week 171- Layers of Instructional Change
- Week 172- Breakin'
- Week 173- Song of Joy
- Week 174- Practicing Teacher
- Week 175- Educational Arson by Sarah Windisch
- Week 176- Painted Nails
- Week 177- Design Is Art/Design Is Science
- Week 178- Four String Risk
- Week 179- Be An Engine
- I've Stopped Storifying chats because Storify is closing shop and I need to find a new option
- Week 180- Using Music Videos to Teach
- Week 181- March Madness
- Week 182- Singles and Doubles
- Week 183- Googling Images and Nonsense
- Week 184- The Big Test At The End
- Week 185- Poetry with Sarah Windisch
- Week 186- Data Would Make a Terrible Teacher
- Week 187- Making Bad Choices
- Week 188- Forego Fortnite
- Week 189- Rube Goldberg Machinations
- Week 190- Heroes and Sidekicks with Brian Costello
- Week 191- The First Thousand Songs
- Week 192- Trust/Possibly Wrong and Definitely Incomplete
- Week 193- The Best Summer PD
- Week 194- Teacher Voice
- Week 195- Teaching Funny
- Week 196- Bordering Normal by Rebecca Miller
- Week 197- IDIC and Education
- #WeirdEd didn't really happen this week because twitter wouldn't work for anyone
- Week 198- Classroom Set-Up
- Week 199- This Is Not What I Expected
- Week 200- Week 200!
- Week 201- Would You Kill Baby Hitler (OR Believe Women)
- Week 202- The Singularity with Dr Rice
- I didn't archive this one, whoops
- Week 203- To The New Kids
- Week 204- Sketchnoters of the Lost Ark
- Week 205- Watch Me Work
- Week 206- Oh! Oh! Oh! Mr Robertson!
- Week 207- Disruptive Students
- Week 208- Whose Pace
- Week 209- Count the Days/All Good Things
The media hub of the ever expanding empire of the Weird Teacher whose goal is total educational domination through the power of excellence.
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